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  1. › si-redefinition › meet-constantsMeet the Constants | NIST

    Oct 12, 2018 · The Planck constant is one of the fundamental constants of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics shows us that energy is exchanged and absorbed in specific amounts, known as “quanta.” h defines the size of those quanta, which can be visualized as packets of energy exchanged by matter. In the revised SI, the Planck constant h is equal to ...

  2. The constants listed here are known values of physical constants expressed in SI units; that is, physical quantities that are generally believed to be universal in nature and thus are independent of the unit system in which they are measured. Many of these are redundant, in the sense that they obey a known relationship with other physical ...

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  4. Apr 12, 2010 · The SI is made up of 7 base units that define the 22 derived units with special names and symbols, which are illustrated in NIST SP 1247, SI Base Units Relationship Poster . The SI plays an essential role in international commerce and is commonly used in scientific and technological research and development.

  5. Dec 12, 2017 · Official NIST reference providing essential information and background information. Includes: Values of the fundamental physical constants and related information, Searchable bibliography on the constants, In-depth information on the SI, the modern metric system, and Guidelines for the expression of uncertainty in measurement.